El calendario, las celebraciones y las estaciones

¡Hola chic@s! ¿Cómo están? Do you remember el calendario… or las celebraciones in Mexico?

During these months we learnt about the months (meses) and days (días). Some of the meses en español sound similar to English; Agosto-August, Septiembre-September, Octubre-October, Noviembre-November, Diciembre-December.  We asked about our birthdays saying ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? Mi cumpleaños es en Octubre. We even sang “Feliz cumpleaños a ti, feliz cumpleaños a ti, feliz cumpleaños querid@________. Feliz cumpleaños a ti.”

We also discovered the different celebraciones in Mexico and we compared them to the ones in the US. Which one is your favorite? I´ll leave them all here so you can pick! Mi celebración favorita es Día de los muertos.

celebraciones L1

¿Cómo está el clima hoy? ¿Qué estación es? We talked about how the weather is like in the different Estaciones del año. Can you name the four of them? Primavera – Verano – Otoño – Invierno


Every class is amazing with you chicos and you always make it fun to learn and play. Excited to see you every Friday. See you soon. Adios


¡Hola chic@s!

Los números

These months we have been working so hard on Los números, besides learning “Mi burrito Sabanero” for the festival. Some of you are counting from 1(uno) to 20(veinte) and the rest from 1(uno) to 1000(mil). Here you have some images to keep working on los números.

Can you tell me ¿Qué numero es?






Dinero en México-Pesos

We also got to use dinero, not real of course, to practice los números. Remember what´s the name of the dinero from México? Correct! Pesos. Mexico´s currency is pesos, and we have billetes and monedas like in the US. We used monedas de 1 peso, 2 pesos, 5 pesos and 10 pesos. We also used billetes de 20 pesos, 50 pesos, 100 pesos and 200 pesos.

What billetes and monedas would you use for 647 pesos?


La ropa  La ropa

¿Cuánto cuesta la playera? ¿Cuánto cuesta el vestido? Can you use these questions and tell me how much is each of these items in Spanish? Don´t forget we still have to do our shopping at Plato Boutique where you will be able to “buy” some clothes using our pesos, we are not done yet with los números.


I am so excited to see you every Friday and learn while we still have fun.


¡Hola chic@s!

October was a great month. We practiced our abecedario and new vocabulario. Do you remember how many letters the abecedario en español has? Exacto! 27 letras. Ñ(en-yeh) is the letter that we don´t have in English. Can you say these words? niño, niña, piñata. We can continue to practice our abecedario when spelling a word.

Our younger kids are really good at identifying the vocales (vowels) now. Don´t forget to say them as loud as you can!!!

A – avión

E – elefante

I – iglú

O – oso

U – unicornio


¿Origami en Español?

How did you like doing origami? Should we do it again? Most of you were great at following instructions in Spanish and made beautiful hojas (leaves) like the ones in our árbol de otoño. Remeber to say “Hola, árbol de otoño” to our tree every time you come to class.


Día de los muertos

As you all know, Día de los muertos is celebrated on November 2 in Mexico. It´s a colorful tradition to remember our family, friends and even pets that passed away. It´s a time to be happy rather than sad because the souls of our loved ones come to visit us and we should have an ofrenda with lots of food, candy, flowers and candles to welcome them. Thank you for doing a great job making the flores, papel picado, pan de muerto, tamales, calaveritas de azúcar and putting everything together for our ofrenda. Thank you parents for sending pictures. The food and flowers in our ofrenda are not real but in an actual ofrenda, they have to be real.


Spanish Class Super Star

Congratulations to the first four groups to complete their Maquinas de Chicles. I am so happy and proud you did it! Special congratulations to Miss Lizzy´s Class who were Super Star four weeks in a row (clap-clap-clap)

Estoy hambriento – Miss Lizzy

Circular Mambas – Mr. Patrick

Bubblegum – Miss Demtra

Gummie – Miss Lisa


¡Hola chicos!

This past month we celebrated the Hispanic Heritage month and we learn about La Independencia de México. ¿Cuándo es? 16 de Septiembre ¿Quiénes lucharon? mexicanos contra españoles. You even pretended to be Mexican people against Spanish people and some of you got to wear improvised costumes… it was fun!

Little ones… what are the colores of the bandera de México? verde, blanco y rojo.


I am so proud that most of you can greet and introduce yourselves or a friend in Spanish. ¡Hola! Me llamo Zaid. Él se llama Bob y ella se llama Maria. ¿Cómo estás?

You can practice these questions at home too. ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Cómo se llama él? ¿Cómo se llama ella? ¿Cuántos años tienes? ¿Cuántos años tiene él? ¿Cuántos años tiene ella?

Let´s not forget to say Buenos días or Buenas tardes when we see each other in the school hall. How about Adiós, nos vemos el viernes when it´s time to go home.

Thank you for being such great, fun and unique students. By the way, I almost know all your names! 😉

See you on Fridays chicos.


Songs of the month…

(978) ¡Hola! | Canciones Infantiles | Super Simple Español – YouTube

(978) Después De Un Rato, Cocodrilo | Canciones infantiles De Animales | Super Simple Español – YouTube

Los países que hablan Español

¡Hola amig@s! During our first two weeks we learnt how many countries in the world speak Spanish and we had so much fun playing Trivia to review. Do you remember ¿Cuántos países hablan Español? 21 (veintiuno) países hablan Español. Can you name 5?

Some of you got to identify where these países are located in the world using a mapa. For example, México está en Norteamérica, España está en Europa, Guinea Ecuatorial está en África, Argentina está en Sudamérica y Guatemala está en Centroamérica. ¿Qué países están en Mar Caribe? Can you name them?


We also got to see all the 21 banderas of these países. For example, la bandera de México, la bandera de España, la bandera de Colombia, la bandera de Puerto Rico which looks like la bandera de Cuba. Can you tell the difference between these banderas?

Spanish speaking countries | Rockalingua

Students got to paint the 21 banderas that decorate our classroom now. Gracias for doing such a great job!

The little ones got to do puzzles of some of these banderas, super cute!

See you on Fridays!!!